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.The search took another half an hour and turned up nothing.“I’m sorry to have taken up your time,” Garibaldi told her in the open door of her quarters.Leaning close to the Chief, she murmured, “What, no sympathy for the terrible emotional shock this has been?” Her dark eyes laughed up at him.Frowning to prevent the smile he felt coming on, he said, “I’m sure it must be an awful experience for an innocent woman to endure.”“Well, none of us had much choice under the circumstances,” she said aloud, pointedly ignoring Mollari.“Close,” she snapped, and the door slid shut.Garibaldi turned to Mollari and, pointing his forefinger, said, “I am not happy.” Then he started off down the corridor, followed by the three security people.“Don’t you point your finger at me!” Londo shouted to the Chief’s back.He hastened to catch up to Garibaldi.“Don’t tell me you didn’t find it! It’s as big as a melon, you idiot.”Garibaldi stopped and leaned close to Londo.“What she had was a copy of the Eye,” he said softly.“About this big.” He formed a circle with his thumb and forefinger.“And she owns that legally.There was nothing else in that room resembling the Eye of Empire.Now, I don’t know what’s going on here, Londo, but I’m feeling kind of embarrassed right now, and I am very, very busy arranging security for your peace conference.So I’d appreciate it if you didn’t follow me down the hallway yelling about how dissatisfied you are.” He turned and marched off, leaving the Centauri standing there with his mouth open.“But I saw it,” Londo said plaintively to himself.“I saw it.I scanned it and saw the readouts.”*Leona Pelligrino stood nonplussed outside the closed door of the office space she’d rented to that nice Mr.Craighton.There’d been complaints, and her cold-blooded Minbari supervisor had sent her down to check things out.But what would the neighbors find to complain about in an empty office.The part of the office visible from the walkway was empty: no chairs, no desks, no nothing.With an audible sigh, Leona slipped her master key-card into the slot and entered the office.“Hello,” she called cheerily.There was no answer, but a peculiar scent hung in the air.Like cooking, she thought.Not good.She approached the panel that separated the front office from the rest of the property.“Open,” she said.The panel slipped aside to reveal a curtain.Odd, she thought.Leona swept the flimsy barrier aside and found herself confronting a roomful of aliens.“Oh!” she said, startled by their universal attention and solid black eyes.Then she realized that they’d been camping out in the space behind the front office.“Oh!” she said again.“Oh, no.No, no.This isn’t right.You can’t stay here, it’s against the rules!” All she could think of was: He’s going to fire me.That Minbari robot is going to blame this on me and he’s going to fire me.“We have paid to be here,” one of them said.“This isn’t a residential space,” Leona said desperately.“You’ll get a refund.” Minus any costs for damages, she thought, but didn’t say.“You’ll have to be out of here by tomorrow,” Leona said firmly.One of them moved towards her and for the first time she realized how many of them there were.“There’ve been complaints,” she said and raw fear scraped in her voice.“That’s why I came.” She took a step backwards.“If one of your neighbors calls Security there’ll be a huge fine, and, and they’ll make you leave right away.” A change came over their features; she thought it might be anger.Leona turned and fled.“Close!” she said to the outer door and continued to move briskly down the walkway, prudently hugging its outer edge.She looked behind her.No one was following.Oh, I am gonna be in such trouble, she thought.Then she narrowed her eyes.Wait’ll I get my hands on that Craighton.*Back in the office there was a stunned silence.None of the T’llin even moved for several moments.Then a female said, “We’d better pack.”“Yes,” a male answered her.“The sooner we’re out of here the better.”“What about the others?” someone asked.“They’ll be back before we’re finished,” the male answered after a moment’s thought.Slowly at first, and then more quickly, the refugees began to gather their ragged belongings together.“What of the Prime?” one of the women asked.“Leave her to rest,” another answered thoughtfully.“The Razye Tesh have been protecting her.No doubt they will continue to do so.”There were nods all around at that, and the T’llin slowly went on with their packing.*Londo stood at a loss, watching the Security Chief and his minions march down the long corridor and enter the lift.Garibaldi gave him a very sour and disappointed look as the doors closed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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