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.The wallpaper and carpet are green.The furniture is lacquered green.The lamps and ceiling fan are green, and green draperies are drawn, blocking the daylight completely.The bedside lamp is on, and its low light and the light from the hall are the only light in the room.There is no mirror, no artwork and only two photographs, framed and on the dresser, one of the sun setting over the ocean and two boys on the beach, in swim trunks and smiling, both of them towheads.They look like brothers, one older than the other.The other photograph is of two women with walking sticks, squinting in the sun, surrounded by a huge, blue sky.Behind them is an odd-shaped mountain that hulks over the horizon, the top of it obscured by an unusual layer of clouds that rise from the rocks like thick, white steam.One woman is short and full-figured with long, graying hair pulled back, while the other is taller and thinner with very long, wavy black hair she is pushing out of her face because of the wind.Scarpetta gets a lens out of her shoulder bag and studies the photographs more closely, looking carefully at the boys’ exposed skin, their faces.She studies the women’s faces and their exposed skin, looking for scars, tattoos, physical anomalies, jewelry.She moves the lens over the thinner woman with the long black hair, noting that her complexion is unhealthy.Maybe it is the lighting or an artificial tanning product that has given her skin a slight yellowish tint, but she looks almost jaundiced.She opens the closet.Inside it are inexpensive casual clothes and shoes, and dressier suits in sizes eight and twelve.Scarpetta pulls out everything white or off-white and checks the fabric for yellowish sweat stains, finding them under the arms of several blouses that are size eight.She returns her attention to the photograph of the woman with long dark hair and jaundiced-looking skin and thinks of the raw vegetables inside the refrigerator, the carrots, and she thinks of Dr.Marilyn Self.There are no books inside the bedroom except a brown leather Bible on a bedside table.It is old and open to the Apocrypha, and light from the lamp falls on fragile pages that are dry and browned by the passing of many years.She puts on her reading glasses and leans closer, writing in her notebook that the Bible is open to the Wisdom of Solomon, and verse twenty-five of chapter twelve is marked with three small X’s in pencil.Therefore unto them, as to children without the use of reason, thou dids’t send a judgment to mock them.She tries Marino’s cell phone and it goes directly to voicemail.She opens the draperies to see if the sliders behind them are locked as she tries Marino again and leaves another urgent message.It has begun to rain, and raindrops pockmark the pool and the waterway, and thunderclouds are piled up like anvils.Palms flutter in fits, and low hedges of hibiscus on either side of the sliders are thick with pink and red blossoms that shake in the wind.She notices two smudges on the glass.They have a distinctive shape that she recognizes, and she finds Reba and Lex in the laundry room, checking to see what’s inside the washer and dryer.“There’s a Bible in the master bedroom,” Scarpetta says.“It’s open to the Apocrypha and a lamp is on, a lamp by the bed.”Reba seems confused.“My question is, was the bedroom exactly like that when the lady from the church came into the house? Was the bedroom exactly like that the first time you saw it?”“When I went into the bedroom, it looked undisturbed.I remember the curtains were shut.I didn’t see a Bible or anything like that, and I don’t remember a lamp on,” Reba says.“There’s a photograph of two women.Ev and Kristin?”“The lady from the church said so.”“The other one Tony and David?”“I think so.”“Does one of the women have some sort of eating disorder? Is she sick? Do we know if one or both of them is under the care of a physician? And do we know which woman is which in the photograph?”Reba is at a loss for answers.Before now, answers didn’t seem very important.No one thought there might be questions like the ones Scarpetta is asking now.“Did you or anyone open the sliding glass doors in their bedroom, the green one?”“No.”“They aren’t locked, and I noticed smudges on the outside of the glass.Earprints.I’m wondering if they were there when you looked around the property last Friday.”“Earprints?”“Two of them made by someone’s right ear,” Scarpetta says as her phone rings.30It is raining hard when she pulls up to Mrs.Simister’s house, and there are three police cruisers and an ambulance parked in front.Scarpetta gets out of her car and doesn’t bother with an umbrella as she concludes a conversation with the Broward County Medical Examiner’s Office, which has jurisdiction over all sudden, unexpected and violent deaths that occur between Palm Beach and Miami.She will examine the body on site because she is already here, she is saying, and as soon as possible she needs a removal service to transport the body to the morgue.She recommends the autopsy be done right away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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